The Twin Flame Journey: Stages and What to Expect

The Twin Flame Journey: Stages and What to Expect

Life is indeed a journey. We meet many different people along this journey. Some of these meetings are divided into many different categories. 

We find casual interactions and form special relationships with some. Along the way, though, we might stumble upon one with whom we resonate so deeply that it becomes an unforgettable experience.

This is when your twin flame journey begins. In this discussion, we will delve into the stages of this journey and what to expect.

Stages of the Twin Flame Journey

The twin flame journey has a powerful start. Whether your meeting is accidental or not, it comes with an incredibly intense lighting up of the soul.

It may also start at an early age, when you are looking for the one who can truly understand you. This could be when your journey starts. It would, therefore, be interesting to explore the stages of the twin flame journey from this point onward.

1. The Stage of Actively Seeking or Looking

The twin flame journey may start at an early stage in life. Many will find that they are looking for someone to complete them. They are basically looking for a satiable bond with them.

Throughout this time (or stage), there is a sense of longing to be with that special person. This can be a long or short stretch of the journey. It will depend on when you meet up with your twin flame.

2. The Meeting with your Twin Flame

We have already mentioned in some way how you can meet your twin flame. It is often not something you plan or set out to do, even if you were seeking or looking.

The first meeting has to happen though for your journey to continue. Meeting your twin fame is a dynamic and intense experience. 

This meeting will also mark the start of a life-changing experience. We could see this as the second stage of your twin flame journey.

We have mentioned the elements that may lead up to this meeting. These could be that you are actively seeking and yearning for your “twin.” This is also part of the start of your journey.

3. How Connected You Are

You may feel the deepest connection at your very first meeting. However, these feelings may cause some to deny it and run away because it can be extremely overwhelming. 

The feelings may be extremely overwhelming at this stage, but some may stay and work through them. They realize that they have met their twin flame and want to be with them regardless.

The connection stage is also the time when the “twins” will decide what works and what does not work for them. They will find mutual ground and set boundaries for their differences. 

Even though the connection is soul binding, there can be many differences. This is the stage where they find common ground.

4. The Blissful Stage

We could also call this stage the honeymoon stage. This is where the connection, together with their intense connection, will provide a stage of bliss.

During this stage, flaws and errors, and even arguments, can be minimized or romanticized. The two are blinded by their intense feelings and cannot see the dangers ahead.

5. The Danger Zone  

If there is no growth, flaws and errors could become an issue. It could become more evident the longer they spend in each other’s company, especially if they ignore it in the blissful stage.

This is the stage where arguments may increase and escalate. Twin flame relationships need to be balanced. The moment it is out of sync, it will cause conflict.

Even though they are transparent, they often tend to want to hide from the truth. This is often not possible in such an intense relationship. It will trigger the conflict they wish to avoid. 

6. The Breaking Apart Stage

The conflict we mentioned in the previous stage can lead to the twin flame breakup. It can be so severe that one might decide to leave. Some refer to them as the runners.

The two are so intrinsically bonded that this might happen at the very first major argument. The one tends to run away, and the other wishes to resolve the issue.

To resolve it, it will depend entirely on how intense or deep the conflict is. In some instances, they may never resolve it, and in other instances, they can resolve it and get back together again.

7. The Getting Back Together Stage

After the conflict and breakup, the twin flames fall into two categories:
●    The one who runs away and does not wish to continue the journey.
●    The one who reaches out and feels that things can be resolved.

 It depends heavily on what the conflict was about. Getting back together would mean addressing that issue first. Both have to come together to solve it.

It could mean compromising and setting aside their own desires for the journey to continue. However, we have to remember that twin flames are there to teach each other. 

Resolving the conflict, though, does not mean that they will stay together forever. It would simply mean that they have learned the lessons and can continue on their journey on their own.

8. The Continuing Together or Not Stage

When twin flames get back together, they have to make a decision. As we mentioned above, they may stay or move on.

The decision is dependent on how both feel about and view the relationship. If there is no doubt that you wish to continue together, this is the stage (the time) to reset boundaries.

If you have to separate, you might be given the opportunity to learn even more from a future twin flame. You should not view this as the end of your journey. You will take all the lessons you have learned from this experience with you.


All journeys start somewhere. This applies to the twin flame journey as well. We have noted here that this journey may start at a very early age. 

This is the time when you first start with the desire to be with someone to complete you. This is when your twin flame journey begins. Always keep in mind that your twin flame journey is there to teach and grow you.

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